The brands
As it has grown, Homes has gradually pulled companies into its orbit which share the same level of excellence in their own specialist areas, meaning that today all functional areas of the home are covered by the Group.

New design philosophies characterise the living room and bedroom spaces. A journey through modern looks with a refined, elegant spirit.
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Countless furniture solutions for children’s and teenagers’ bedrooms. Fantasy and creativity prevail, texture and colours collide, and flexible compositions give added value.
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A pole of excellence in the production of space-saving furniture and bedrooms for children and teenagers. Continuous research of production excellence guaranteed by the quality and reliability related to the Made in Italy culture.
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NARDIINTERNI was founded in 1964 as artisanal manufacturers of modular furniture systems for living rooms and bedrooms.
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Design, quality, technology and service: key principles of recognized know-how, the result of Made in Italy experience and tradition.
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